The general objective of the Canada Research Chair in Collaborative Culture in Health Law and Policy is to reach a better understanding of the challenge of collaboration in healthcare systems, an issue having real and perceptible impacts on their viability. In the basic research component of its work, the Chair seeks to improve understanding of the issues and factors associated with collaboration in healthcare systems. This understanding of cooperation factors has direct impacts on public policy engineering, by enabling social regulation based on a more sophisticated analysis of the factors that inhibit or promote the desired collaboration in the healthcare system. In its applied research component, the Chair incorporates collaborative models stemming from its basic research component by way of various specific research projects, such as emerging private-public partnerships for funding and provision of care and services; the prevention and conflict resolution mechanisms needed to support collaborative governance; and inter-professional, inter-institutional, and inter-governmental collaboration in the healthcare sector.
Above and beyond its scientific contributions, the Chair also acts as a springboard to communicate ideas, trigger discussions, and foster unexpected collaborations. The Chair offers a stimulating environment for the training of students and post-doctoral researchers in the area of health policy and law and brings together stakeholders from academic, professional, governmental, corporative, and institutional civil society circles, faced with the challenge of collaboration.
This content has been updated on 6 December 2018 at 9 h 07 min.