Discussing participatory health culture through the lens of participatory justice

Professor Catherine Régis will give a lecture on November 22, entitled “Discussing participatory health culture through the lens of participatory justice” at the following conference: Mobile health applications: from their use to their ethical, deontological and legal challenges .

This conference is co-organized by the Regroupement stratégique de recherche sur les TIC et la santé (strategic alliance for research on ICT and health), the Regroupement stratégique d’Éthique en santé du Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (strategic alliance for health ethics of the Quebec population health research network (RRSPQ)) and the Centre de recherche sur la communication et la santé (centre for research on communications and health, ComSanté-UQAM).


Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/colloque-international-applications-mobiles-en-sante-des-usages-aux-enjeux-ethiques-deontologiques-tickets-27164409480

Please note that online registration is open until November 21 at 11:59 p.m.

For further information: Gabriella Kranz admin-rrspq.ihsp@mcgill.ca

This content has been updated on 30 November 2016 at 12 h 27 min.

