The book «Health Law at the Frontier» is now available !

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This edited collection is the result of the latest iteration of the Health Law Academic Seminan/Rencontres en droit de la santi, which dealt with the theme “Health Law at the Frontier”. Fourteen national and international scholars were invited to participate in thls event based upon their fields of research and recognized expertise in relation to the theme of the Seminar. ln this book, readers will find a variety of papers exploring different forms of frontiers in health law and pollcy. Frontier is sometimes taken in the geogra­phic sense of the term (globalization of health concerns, protection of health in the context of free trade, access to health care for migrants, etc.). ln other texts, the theme of frontier led to scrutinize innovative approaches to law and health that investigate cutting-edge questions on the periphery of the discipline (big data, the development of information and communication technologies, new issues in liability law, etc.).

La direction de cet ouvrage (évalué par les pairs) a été réalisée par les professeurs Catherine Régis, Lara Khoury et Robert P. Kouri.

Pour vous procurer cet ouvrage, consultez ce site.

Table of contents:

  • Theorizing the Boundaries of Health Care Solidarity in Western Liberal Democracies
    Y.Y. Brandon Chen
  • La création de villes favorables à la santé : le droit à la frontière entre l’action municipale et l’action de santé publique
    Marie-Eve Couture-Ménard et Ludovic Lascelles
  • La frontière technologique : les blockchains, le partage de renseignements personnels sur la santé et le droit à la vie privée au Canada
    Pierre-Luc Déziel
  • Sexual Abuse of Patients: Long Overdue for Government Action
    Lorian Hardcastle
  • De la ferme à l’assiette mondiale : dix approches à la réglementation des antimicrobiens chez les animaux d’élevage
    Marie E. Danik, Prativa Baral et Steven J. Hoffman
  • Twenty-First Century Big Data Research: A New Frontier in Health Care?
    Yann Joly, Miriam Pinkesz and Katie M. Saulnier
  • The Renewal of the Judicial Function in the Protection of Health: Looking Across the Boundaries of Constitutional, Criminal and Private Law
    Alana Klein and Lara Khoury
  • Causation at the Frontier, St-Germain v. Benhaim and the Obscure Role of Logical Intuition: Proof of Causation by Inference or by Presumption
    Robert P. Kouri
  • Pushing the Boundaries of Tobacco Control Policy: The Canadian Experience
    Antonia Maioni and Christopher P. Manfredi
  • Health Law Outside its Traditional Frontiers: “Trading” Medical Tourism for Just Health Care in the Post-Brexit Context
    Sabrina Germain
  • Illness, Injury and Medical Deportations at the Frontier: The Canadian Legal Regime for Providing Health Care Protection to Agricultural Migrant Workers
    Constance MacIntosh
  • Vers une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de l’action normative de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) à l’intérieur des frontières des pays : une étude Canada- France
    Catherine Régis et Florian Kastler
  • Patient Input in Drug Development and Approval: Lessons from the Eteplirsen Controversy
    Barbara Von Tigerstrom



This content has been updated on 10 June 2020 at 15 h 12 min.

