“Pandemic Societies”, ouvrage MAINTENANT DISPONIBLE!

We are so pleased to announce that "Pandemic Societies" is now available for purchase!
The volume examines the global pandemic’s implications in our quotidian and how it significantly altered the way modern societies function nowadays. The authors analyze institutional, social and political contexts in which these behavioural changes take place. Their research attempts “to understand how we might act to steer this pandemic society, and how to reinvent institutions and practices that we think of as intrinsically face to face.”
Pandemic Societies is the result of the combined efforts of H-POD and its members. It is edited by Jean-Louis Denis (co-director of H-POD), Catherine Régis (co-director of H-POD) and Daniel Weinstock (associated researcher of H-POD) with the collaboration of Clara Champagne. Furthermore, many of our young researchers contributed to Pandemic Societies with the chapter "A stress test for the World Health Organization (WHO) in a pandemic world: what can we hope for the future".
You may order your copy today, following this link!

This content has been updated on 28 October 2021 at 16 h 22 min.

