HAICU: Human-centered AI+ for/by Colleges and Universities

Jean-Louis Denis and Catherine Régis are part of the management team of HAICU: An interdisciplinary and international lab to work on the role of universities in the AI+ world. 

HAICU, a lab whose core is the collective voice of universities, aims to promote cooperation between universities, public institutions, firms and civil society organizations to develop and propose collective responses to the major issues and opportunities raised by human-centered AI+ in societies. HAICU is based on the idea that universities are part of a vibrant multi-stakeholder human-centered AI+ ecosystem, with which they need to engage in order to remain relevant and innovative. It is involved in an ambitious program of activities based on the exploration, experimentation, execution and evaluation of core human-centered AI+ developments within and beyond universities.


We encourage you to check out HAICU's founding members, its mission and its ongoing projects by visiting their website!


This content has been updated on 3 February 2022 at 12 h 43 min.

